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High Tech Security Investment (HTSI) S.A. offers various services related to intellectual property, development of business contacts and market intelligence, negotiation and conclusion of license and technology transfer agreements, management of research and development (R&D) and innovation projects, as well as other services.

Among the priorities in the activities of the company High Tech Security Investment (HTSI) S.A. is   the assistance for implementation and international cooperation in the field of strategically important technologies related to security and the fight against counterfeiting, based on:

  • patented technologies, know-how and results of scientific and practical R&D, undertaken by the shareholders during the last 10-15 years, as well as their experience in use and implementation of advanced technologies in different areas of manufacturing and trade, including experience related to international agreements and initiatives;
  • experience gained from partial implementation of new technologies, whose next generations and modifications enhance considerably their efficiency.

At present HTSI's technology portfolio comprise several technologies for marking vehicles, spare parts, products, packing, labels, documents, including ID documents, certificates, bank notes, securities, etc.